I have been seeing a ton of stuff online about fabric flowers. Not to mention the headbands and broaches in stores that look like they would be sooo easy to make. I finally had a minute that I couldn't sew upstairs or watch tv (I had to stay within yelling distance of the garage while Kellen was installing his new exhaust on his car) so I sat at the kitchen table and made a ton of fabric flowers!
I started with an online tutorial that you make 7 circles out of the fabric then 1 smaller circle out of felt. I just used the top and bottom of a pint glass to draw circles.
Next you take the fabric circles, fold in half and in half again and glue onto the felt circle. Repeat with 3 other circles, filling the base. Then glue the remaining 3 circles on the next 'row.' It was super easy!Kellen and I went to Old Navy early Saturday morning and I got 5 new pair of flip flops for $1 a piece. Of course I don't like to just wear plain flip flops, so I thought it would be fun to embellish them a little bit!
These are so easy to make that I think I will used up all my fabric scraps and can give them as presents! On the back of these I put a little rectangle of felt so that a headband can slip onto the flower. Easy interchangeable hair accessories!
I'm still deciding if I like the flowers plain or with a button in the middle. I have a bunch of vintage buttons that I don't use for anything that would be fun. We'll see!