Here is the hat that I made for Abby. It is from a new website called They have a lot of neat patterns. You should look at them and let me know if there is anything you want, I will try to make it. (the english ones are near the bottom)
The pattern of this one was way easier than I thought it would and and turned out perfectly!
Here is a picture I have been wanting to take for mom. It is on the way to the hospital in St Petersburg and every time I see it I think of her. Last time I went to the hospital I finally remembered to take the picture on the way back. It wasn't until I looked at it later that I realized there was an advertisement on them! That wasn't there before!! Oh well still a neat thing to see on the side of the highway.
This is the art festival that I went to this weekend at the park by my apartment. There was a lot of very unique things here. I only bought a pair of earrings made out of old broken china. All of that lady's stuff was very fun. Her website is if you wanted to look at it.
This lady made very pretty dresses out of old handkerchiefs I would have bought one but they were $100 a piece and thats too much for a casual dress I think.
All of this stuff was made from metal I thought maybe mom would get some inspiration! I really liked the tree on the left.
Here is a mom duck and her ducklings that walked by me while I was reading in the park after the art show.
Finally, one of my main accomplishments of the weekend. I made a strawberry pie completely from scratch! (strawberries were on sale at the store)
Here is the final outcome. I think I got impatient and cut the pie before it was completely cool so I thought the middle was too runny. The next day however I cut a perfect piece of pie with no running strawberries! So it did work! woooo!
Honey your pictures are inspiring, someday I'll be brave and step into the welding world, sooner than later, I promise.